World war 3 prophecies

Providing a collection of sites on world war 3 prophecies and related topics.


World war 3 prophecies and more

Examines those prophecies of nostradamas which concern events predicted to transpire beginning in July 1999, including World War 3 prophecies and the appearance of the antichrist.

A fiction to give background to nostradamas and show a possible explanation as well as the conundrums presented by the Prophecies. Also includes basis of authors computer based research.

"Autonne" is Nostradamas name for the computer. "The calm of the great number" refers to the code that constructs the internet. Also includes World war 3 prophecies.

Interpretations of original prophecies focusing on the millennium and the 20th century, including the solar eclipse and the Olympic Games. About American presidential election and world war 3 prophecies.

Useful resources

Personal page about computing. World war 3 prophecies and about the uses of technology.

News on all the latest transfers from around the World. World war 3 prophecies plus players moves.

nastradamus nostradamas nostradamis nostradamos
