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Bot007.com - News Search Engine - Bot007.com Finds Critical News in a Snap! Search Through More Than 5,000 Health, Financial, Entertainment, Sports and other News Publications from multiple countries and languages
Crawler News and Search - It's an engine and it works. We did a search for Clinton and it did not work. Good options though.
E and P Media Links - Search Page - The Editor and Publisher Media Links Directory of Online Media with links to Newspaper, Magazine, Television, Radio, News Service, Syndicate and Association Web sites
Excite News - Searchable news index from Excite.com.
Go2Net News Search Channels - News search of online newspapers and networks for the latest stories.
HotBot: News Channel - Search for news by topic
HotBot: News Search - News search-engine
Last Minute News - Search for newspapers in 96 countries and the US (all states listed), 3-42 cities per country, one newspaper per city.
News search at theinfo.com - Search the best news sites on the web at the same time.
Newsarchives Search - Search 70 news and newspaper archives all over the world from one page using CUSI by Nexor.
Newsbot.net - Latest headlines from major sites indexed every half hour. Searchable.
NewsHunt - A database providing free news searches and news archive searches.
NewsIndex.com - Comprehensive, up to the minute news-only search engine. Enter a keyword and it returns stories from wherever the word is found online.
Newsrack - Links to online newspapers and magazines of the world. Search by title or subject, or browse by country.
Newsseek - A customizable news headline search engine with news stories from a variety of sources.
Newstation - Searchable, human-powered news portal.
NewsTrawler - A meta search engine for news archives and articles, based in Australia with an international scope.
Phaster DOT Com News - Search for articles from a selection of major news providers for world news, business, technology and entertainment. US weather conditions and forecasts provided by Wunderground.com.
Search Freak: News - Search from 300 sources simultaneously.
Solay.com - Search engine that is worth to have a look at.
TotalNews - TotalNews links to a variety of news sites and also has a news item search engine.
Abyz News Links - Access to over 9000 newspapers and news sources from around the world.
Access Place News - Links to front page news, entertainment, online events, opinions, politics, weather.
Accountable News Insider (The) - Small print news magnified daily for the demanding reader. Intelligent editorials and analyses, plus alternative news resources from 199 countries around the world.
Adam2.org - National & International News Media Resources - Access to daily news, stocks, and weather.
All The News and Current Events at FastBoot.Com - Direct links to news wires, newspapers, magazines, and topical news worldwide.
BA Chapman Group News Room - Extensive links to online news sources columnists, and categorized internet resources.
BreakingNewsStory.com - Breaking New Stories, Top News Headlines, updated daily
BuzzFlash Report - Links to selected headlines from newspapers and other sources; directory of links to newspapers, columnists, wire services, and other news sources.
Cosmopolis Media Links - Links newspapers, magazines, news agencies, and other news providers worldwide.
CRAYON's news sources - Listing of news links divided by world, national, state, and topic.
Day To Day - News, sport and entertainment portal - Syndicated links.
The Drudge Report - Links to many online news sources, plus the exclusive writings of Internet investigative sleuth Matt Drudge. Bets are taken on whether it's the apartment or the hat that gets changed first. An adroit showman with a legal defense fund the First Amendment should make unnecessary.
Electronic NewsStand - Links to newspapers, magazines, weather, sports, newsletters, e-zines, comic strips, and multimedia from around the world.
A First News Source - Links to sources for news, breaking news, sports, weather.
Global Access to Educational Sources - News - List of newspapers and other media sources plus news search sites geared for the middle school student.
Global Spin - Links to news and editorials from papers, radio, government sites, activists and independent sources world-wide; index of international news sources. Web site includes archives.
Gossip City - Links to sources for gossip, tabloids, news, politics, sports, music, movies, and current events.
Green21 News and Magazines - Links to the online versions of US newspapers, women's magazines, photojournalism galleries, and television related sites.
Grizzly Web Links - News & Events - Links to news & events sites for national and international news as well as local news for select cities.
Harrold's News Links and Real-Time Tickers - Hundreds of resources can be reached via this one page site. News links and tickers,newspapers, web news sites, specialty news sites and more.
Have I Got News For You - Current news, links to online newspapers, magazines, sports, business.
Headwaters News - Daily index to environmental, political and community news from the Rocky Mountains.
Helpful News and Media Resources - Links to newspapers, magazines, news channels, headline news, world news, columnists, weather, weird news, and other information sources.
Here on the Web with Joe West - A compilation of links to all the major news services in one easy-to-navigate location.
HomeTown Free Press - Global News Links - Collection of links to radio, television, and newspapers around the world.
Information Fast - Links to very limited but good selected news portals in selected sections.
Instant Knowledge - Links to news magazines and news papers.
International Studies Resources - Links to News Indexes
Jai's News Plus - Latest world news from wires services, newspapers, radio, TV, columnists, and other sources. Search headlines or article text of AP or UPI news. Chat and discussion groups.
Kidon Media-Link - Links to over 6500 media sources worldwide, organized by continent, with over 4000 from the USA.
Kidon Media-Link - Global News - Collection of links to English-language news and media sites from around the world. Does not include links to newspapers from the US, UK, Australia, or Canada.
Links4News.com - Links to news sources related to e-commerce, internet, marketing, stocks, and business.
Main Radio Guide - World wide guide of news television and radio stations, newspapers, and webcams.
Mario's Cyberspace Station - Personal website dedicated to international news and current events. Includes extensive collection of links to both mainstream and alternative news sources and search engines.
Media and News @ OMH - News, media and advertising and public relations (PR) links, particularly in the UK.
Media Links Now - Extensive searchable, categorized collection of direct links to magazines, newspapers, and US television stations.
Myleftasscheek.com - An experiment in randomized news headlines and news summaries from around the world. Don't like what you see? Reload the page.
NetJones News - Direct links to news and current events, business, entertainment, and other web sites.
New Act - Isyndicate news in many fields
New Malaysia Free Press - Outstanding source of news around the world, from the local perspective. More than 300 news headlines per day are sorted by country (18) or region (Africa, Europe, Middle East, South America). Reports from all the major news services and networks are included; click for full text.
News and Magazines - Direct links to major worldwide news sources, magazines, and streaming web casts in RealMedia format for news, technology, business, and entertainment.
News and More - Direct links to headlines from CNN and worldwide news sources, weather, editorials, government web sites, US history, and space news.
News Center - Current news from multiple sources.
News Leads and Links - Categorized links to a wide variety of news sources. From Wrenncom.com.
News Media - Links to news agencies, newspapers, magazines, and special interest publications. Compiled by a retired librarian.
The News Online - +23,000 news sources online. News portal that tracks and lists news URLs, with links updates each month. From InternetPress.
News Resource - Complete directory of local daily news worldwide.
The News Ticker - News tickers from a variety of sources. Unsorted links to news wires, newspapers, magazines, columnists and other sources.
NewsCorridor.com - links to news sites, columnists and opinion pages. Worth a visit
NewsDirectory.com - Guide to English-language news and media online. Well-organized direct links to more than 7,600 newspaper and magazine web sites worldwide. Browse US news links by area code.
News2Go - Headlines and breaking news sorted by source and topic, extensive links to worldwide news, weather, arts, and reference information sources.
News2Me - Fast loading guide to news on the web. Australian based, global coverage. Includes search engines page and search sites for media around the world.
Newspapers and Magazines Online - Direct links to the web sites of newspapers, magazines, law journals, government and military magazines worldwide.
NewsRam News Archive - World and US news, politics, business, finance, sports, entertainment, technology, culture, opinion and commentary. Breaking news from the Associated Press (AP).
Newsstand Connection - News, Weather, Sports, and Business media resources: AP Online, MSNBC, Weather Channel, USA Today, newspapers, magazines, Express News from isyndicate.com.
NewsSynthesis - International, political, U.S. news and many links to quality news sources.
NewsTracker - Directory of current articles from major and lesser-known publications. Search by keyword of browse by topic.
The Newz - Links to regional newspapers, news wires, columnists, magazines organized by topic, and other news and feature sources.
NewzLinx - ISyndicate headlines, plus direct links to news and information sources worldwide.
N4M.com - Links to breaking news, wire services, sports, weather, entertainment, computers, business and investment.
No Frills Guide News - Simple, volunteer-based guide to news and information sources on the Web
Nooz.com - The launchpad for news. A list of the top news sites from around the web.
NSE News - Portal for news sources and entertainment
Omega 23 - Links to newspapers, newswires, business news sites, TV channels, as well as to search engines, academic, government, and science and technology sites.
The Online Media - Contains links to live radio, TV, newspapers, magazines and webcams around the world.
Ooze News - Updated news and news links from a large number of sources.
Pandia News - Links to online news resources, news search engine, news headlines covering world news
The Paperboy - Searchable directory of links to more than 2,000 online news sources from around the world. News features, "Top Drawer" selection. In US and UK editions.
Paperless News - Extensive direct links to news and media sources worldwide, including major news providers, newswires, newspapers, magazines, TV and radio; search or browse by subject, country, US state, or major news source.
Pressdigest - International and mulitilingual news digest with links to sources in Europe and the US.
Presseweb - Directory of media websites: newspapers, radio, television in many languages.
Publications of our World - Alphabetic listing of official sites of all the important newspapers, magazines, periodicals and other publications of global/world interest. From 123World.com
Quick March World News Media - Links to media corporations and news publications. World news search box. Live Reuters photos.
RabbitWir-e - Updated newswire with headline links to stories
Raja's Web Den: Newspaper Links - Contains links to online news sites.
Russian Media - Direct links, with summaries, reviews and ratings, to Russian language newspapers, TV, radio, and news agencies. English language web site, with links to Russian language news sources.
SearchUP.com News & Media Directory - A directory of News & Media related web sites.
Shillong - Extensive searchable, browsable collection of links to US newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and comic strips; US sports teams at all levels; browsable links to newspapers worldwide.
Spazio Libero - News headlines from Excite and through ISyndicate, plus links to Italian radio and video newscasts, Italian radio in New York City and Los Angeles, other news of interest to Italians living abroad.
Spinternet - A roundup of news and politics from the Internet.
Sympatico NewsExpress - International listing of newspapers and magazines on the web.
ThatsNewsToMe.com - Directory of 20,000+ newspapers and magazines organized by topic, country and U.S. state. Headline links arranged by topic, via iSyndicate.com.
Today's World on the Web - Links to newspapers, magazines, live radio and live TV in the US and around the world.
Toogood Reports - Direct links to a wide variety of news sources including news wires, newspapers, magazines, television, commentary, and other features.
Top 20 News Links - Direct links to major news sources; news directories; news webcasts; and world, business, technology, politics, health, columnists, sports, weather, entertainment, horoscopes, comics, and crosswords.
UK-Weather.com News - News, as it happens, 24 hours a day
The Ultimate Collection of News Links - Links to news and specialty publications worldwide. Browse geographically, by title, or by subject.
United States Newspapers - 2,400 newspapers online in all 50 states organized by city. June 4, 2000
UnitedStates.com - Portal offering news from UPI, information, features, web searching, and free e-mail.
U.S. Times Daily News - Selective news and commentary
USA Newspapers Media Guide - Mostly text-based listing of US newspapers, radio and TV stations, organized by state, with address, phone number, and web site link where available.
USNewsLink.com - This site is constantly updated and provides links to top news stories from a variety of sources.
Vilches Online - Directory links for newspapers, radio stations and other media worldwide.
Wanda's Web News Center - Current events and features on a variety of topics from ISyndicate, including Wired, PC World, Women's Issues, Health, Police, CourtTV, APB, Stocks and Business and others.
Watchers - Headline links to stories from iSyndicate and Excite News, links to radio and TV internet broadcases, severe weather warnings maps, moon phase calculator (1800-2199 AD), map of recent earthquakes.
Web Desk - Many direct links to online news sources, primarily for internet and technology news, but also including general world news sources.
WebPress - It is a directory of news sources (online newspapers and magazines). 2000 sites listed in 170 different countries.
WebSurfin - News stories from 7am.com and a directory to other news, sports, and features sites.
The Werkman Opinions - Latest news, business, technology, entertainment, and sports, from iSyndicate, plus comment and opinions.
WhyWaitForever - London - Newspapers - Links to sites for the newspapers and magazines read in London.
World News - News and stories on worldwide current events, business, sports, health, fashion and travel from a variety of sources.
World News Index - Worldwide links to news sources
World through News - World's newsstand with more than 1500 newspapers from 194 countries.
World Wide Wired - Direct links to newspapers, magazines, radio and TV worldwide.
Worldwide Media Sources - Links to newspapers, news magazines, news agencies, radio and TV stations around the world.
WWW News Resource Page - Meta-resource for news information from a wide variety of mainstream and alternative sources.
Yaworks News - Links to business, entertainment, technology, US, and world news.
Your Own World USA - Links to a variety of news sources, including TV and internet news, wire services, newspapers, magazines and news analysis, alternative views, tabloids, and topical news. Also features news analysis on current topics or trends.
nostradamas - Try our section on nostradamas for useful information.
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