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Adherents.com - Resources for research into world religions, large and (very) small. Includes links to their websites, research papers, statistics, specialized search engines, and more.
AstroWeb: Astronomy and Astrophysics Resources - Nearly 3000 links in 36 distinct subject areas, such as telescopes, libraries, images, conferences, research and researchers.
ClasSearch.com - The Learning Directory - ClasSearch.Com is a free database of classes and learning opportunities. ClasSearch is free for educators to list themselves and their classes.
Critical Mass - Guide to web sites, newsgroups and other information sources on the net.
Deaf Linx - Extensive directory to just about every aspect of deaf culture, including education, schools, reference materials, sign language, organizations, publications, technology, legal issues, discussion groups and fun sites for deaf kids. Very user-friendly.
DegreeSearch, Higher Education Program Index - Infobase of over 8,000 college profiles with program keywords, admission and contact information. DegreeSearch lets users enter keywords to find colleges in the U.S. that offer specific certificate, assiciate, transfer, bachelor and graduate-professional programs.
Ditto.com Visual Search Engine - Search for photographs by theme, keyword, or phrase. Returns thumbnails of all matches and links to the sites where they are located.
Educating.net - Education search engine for homeschooling, K-12, traditional or distance learning university degrees, college scholarship assistance, references, electronic libraries, continuing education, professional re-training, fun learning, homework help, teacher resources.
Education Index - Search for educational information and links in over 50 categories.
Education Specialty Search Engines and Directories - Directory of education search engines. For teachers, parents and students.
Education Statistics at a Glance - Brings together data from several sources published by the National Center for Education Statistics, including The Condition of Education, The Digest of Education Statistics, and Projections of Education Statistics. Documents can be searched by subject, title and full text.
Eduport.com, Inc. - A specialized search engine directory for professional development, education and distance learning offering access to information and resources in the areas of education, business, technology and medicine.
Evisum - Educational search engine and portal.
Finding Data on the Internet - Links to authoritative statistics and reports in a variety of areas such as crime, trade, population and agribusiness. Many of the linked sites are keyword-searchable. Aimed at news reporters, this site would also be useful for students.
Fossick Education & Careers Resources - Education, jobs employment, teaching and learning material, academic research, college school on the Web, university students, K-12, student financial aid and more.
Free-Ed.Net - Huge searchable database of free online courses, tutorials, and study guides. Related information includes sources of grants and how to apply for them, professional organizations, auctions, books, and much more.
Global Access to Educational Sources - Search Sources - Find the best search engines and information to improve your search capabilities.
Home-School Depot - Links to information on law, educational reform, college admissions, support groups, resources, and message boards relating to home schooling. Also sells curriculum materials and educational toys.
How Stuff Works - Experts in dozens of fields offer concise explanations of the workings of nearly everything. Searchable by keyword.
Inter-Links - An Internet navigator, resource locator, and tutorial. Guided access to Web, Gopher, Telnet, FTP, Usenet News,and other Internet Resources.
Internet for Research - Use the internet efficiently to find information for homework assignments
The Journalist's Resource Site - Links to sites in the general categories Copyright, Freedom of Information, Jobs, Law, Magazines, Newsletters, Newsgroups, Professional Organizations, Research, and Writing. Useful for students and educators as well as working journalists. Outstanding content.
LTOnline's Reference and Information Page - List of search engines and sites where you can find information at a quick pace.
McREL Education Resources - Searchable database of classroom resources and activities, educational research, standards, and issues relating to education, from Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning.
NASA Spacelink - Searchable guide to all of NASA: space program, education programs, electronic publications, photos, Internet resources, NASA TV's program schedule, much more.
Needle in a CyberStack-the InfoFinder - A unique, click-on, web hierarchy in a box. Find almost anything at this site: news, current events, reference materials, library links, teacher links, books, organizations, databases, search engines, academic projects, career information, business information, to name a few. A few databases require a subscription, but overall, this is a well-rounded, virtual library. This is an interesting site just to browse and learn. Plan to spend some time here; it's worth it.
New York Times Learning Network - Educational resource for students in grades 6-12, teachers and parents. Features include current events, news quizzes, daily lesson plans, Ask a Reporter, contests, scholarship information, and more. Updated daily. Searchable archive.
Nilpo's Search Engine Reference Page - Alphabetical listings of search engines, reference pages, and research links. Search boxes for seven major search engines are on the home page. Takes a very long time to load.
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension's Guide to Agricultural Web Sites - Comprehensive guide to agriculture-related sites. Clear, concise descriptions of each site.
PedagoNet - Learning Resources - Learning resources search engine.
Philosophy Research Base - An award-winning website featuring thousands of annotated links to philosophy resources on the Internet.
Point, Click, Surf - A portal interface allowing you to point to what you want to find on the web, click and be transported to the information you are searching for.
ProTeacher! - A web directory for elementary school teachers and parents.
Scholastic.com Search - Search the Scholastic.com web site for articles and news features.
SearchEdu.com - Specialized search engine for education domain sites.
Searchgate - More than 3000 links to study information, activities, careers and jobs, accommodations, entertainment, media and technology, and other student-related services, mostly in the UK. Searchable.
Software Educational Resources - Resource for teachers offers a site licence to download complete step-by-step tutorials and reference guides for such computer applications as Word 97, Excel 97, Access 97, Powerpoint 97, Publisher 97 and others.
Space.com - Comprehensive information on outer space and space-related subjects. News, reviews, history, and streaming media cover aerospace, ufo's, satellite launchings, entertainment and more. Educational features for grades K-12. Searchable for current events, weather, specific topics. Remarkably detailed.
U. S. Department of Education - Links to reports on all aspects of the organization's work, including student aid, legislation, statistics, school locator, and many others.
WALDO MetaSearch - The Wayfinding Agents for Locating Distributed Objects (WALDO) project is part of a national effort to increase the effectiveness and use of information resources located on World Wide Web sites sponsored by the U. S. Department of Education. WALDO seeks to develop easy and effective ways for educators to find the information they need when they need it.
ABC EduWeb.de International - Community resources including e-mail, contacts, chats, and a discussion board. Education bookshop US and UK, with Edulinks, Edunews, and Eduware.
About.com: Education - Original articles, links, and newsletters on topics in K-12, collegiate, and continuing education.
Academic Info - An annotated directory of Internet resources aimed at the college or advanced high school audience. Includes a digital library.
Access America for Students - A United States government interagency portal that provides students with a single point of access to federal services and information, also provides access to links to government-owned or-sponsored web sites as well as commercial and other websites that offer useful information to students.
Assabet Valley School to Career Partnership - A comprehensive collection of information and links relevant to career exploration and development for K-12 students and their parents, adult learners, and educators.
The Copernicus Education Gateway - Online directory of websites offering educational resources
Education Online - A site for educational material in the major subject areas for k-12.
Education Planet - Helps teachers, students and parents find a wide variety of the best educational resources available on the web.
Education Resource Organizations Directory - Intended to help identify and contact organizations that provide information and assistance on a broad range of education-related topics.
Education World - A comprehensive resource which includes a search engine for thousands of educational resources.
Educational CyberPlayGround - A wealth of pertinent topics and subtopics each with their own set of useful resources and links.
Educational Resources Information Center - National information system designed to provide users with ready access to an extensive body of education-related literature.
Educator's Resource Network - For teachers, parents, and students to have a place to find educational sites, books, and software online. Frequently updated. Subjects include math, reading, science, history and technology.
EducatorsNet - Current news, fresh forum discussions and useful links.
educ8r.net - A site to offer a community setting for teachers, students and parents from around the world to share information and work together.
ERIC Digests Database - Provides thousands of four to six page reports on education topics geared towards teachers and policymakers.
The Exploratorium's Ten Cool Sites - Rates science, art, and education sites on the web. Revised monthly.
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence - Thirty federal agencies providing educational resources including lesson plans for all subjects and research support for homework assignments. Link to specific units of study or access the user friendly search engine.
Free Worksheets and Educational Resources - Index to free worksheets and educational resources on the Internet; links to 140,000 schools, articles on accelerated learning, free reading system, website building guide; and projects helping disadvantaged children across the world.
FreeInfoNet Education - The ultimate source for free education information: Online learning, Colleges, Homework Helpers, Children's Education, Free Software, and more.
The Global Schoolhouse - Links kids, teachers and parents around the world. It has an impressive registry of international projects as well as teacher resources.
Great Curriculum and Travel Sites - Developed by a teacher for teachers to save time and energy. Lessons on Nettiguette, email and browsers. Also a lesson on How Search Engines work
Harcourt - Offers online access to lesson plans and teacher resources for educators teaching grades k-12. Parents can use the educational resources to provide help with homework for their children.
HelpResource.com: Education Resources - Links to resources. Search by subject, teaching resources and more.
Hypered - Helpful links for teachers and students
Im4kidz - This is a site for kids, parents, and teachers. Created by a computer literacy teacher in Arizona for easy to find resources to use in the classroom and at home.
Info Zone - Exploration of the research process and links to many related sites
Internet Schoolhouse - Collection of educational internet resources
InterNetEd - Help for educators, primarily on the K-12 level, in various aspects of distance learning, internet and computer based education.
ItsElementary.net - An online resource center for teachers and students.
JewishLink.Net: Learning Links - Directory with web sites about education emphasizing a Jewish-Israel perspective.
K-12 Internet Resources - K-12 subject categories
K-12 World - Offers hundreds of peer-approved links to educational sites and resources which may be useful to K-12 educators and students.
K12home.com - Web site with links for students in kindergarten through high school. Sites are categorized by grade level and subject.
Knowledge Hound - Directory of how-to links, from cooking to programming to sports.
Learn Everything --Learn2.com - Here's a site that seeks to teach everyone everything.
Learner Online - Explore educational resources and activities for teaching and learning on the Annenberg/CPB Project's Learner Online.
Learning in Motion: Top Ten List - A list of the ten interesting education web sites. Updated monthly.
LearningNetwork.com - A series of web sites for parents, teachers and students. Advice, activities, lesson plans, homework help, reference materials, and online communities.
The Lighthouse for Education - Education information for schools, teachers, pupils with links to educational web sites.
Mailing Lists for Teachers - Over 100K of lists covering the full spectum of education topics.
Marcia's Lesson Links - Links to lessons and resources K-12.
Mondolink: Education Resources - Educational resources including online classes, universities, libraries, scholarships and free stuff for teachers.
My Academic Only Home Page - A wealth of information and resources for the Internet Savvy Student of today.
MyBookworm.com - The Continuing Education Portal -- users can find continuing education and self study courses throughout the US
Nancy Donohue: Education Resources - Links for teachers and students on numerous subjects and education-related areas, well-organized, user friendly, and updated frequently.
National Center for Education Statistics: Kids' Classroom - Directories of schools, colleges, and libraries. Games, tools, multimedia, and a kids magazine.
National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities - Information resources for people who plan, design, build, and maintain K-12 schools. Provided by the U.S. Department of Education.
Needle in a CyberStack - Find links to help in your study and research. News, streaming media, reference, guides, directories and search engines will help keep you informed quickly.
New Horizons for Learning - Presents articles and information on special issues in education, from restructuring schools to technology and adult education.
New South Wales Higher School Certificate Online - An information network that serves the Higher School Certificate (K12) needs of students, teachers, schools and subject associations.
Nicholas Johnson - Former FCC Commissioner and law professor provides documents and links on K-12 education and legal education.
NoahSays - How-to information from volunteer gurus on health, home maintenance, automobiles, and other subjects.
The One-Stop Study Shop - Links to resources for literature, history, science, math, and study aids.
Pacific Bell Knowledge Network Explorer - Supports education by helping schools, libraries, and colleges acquire and effectively use Internet and videoconferencing technology.
Reach Every Child - Web site full of resources for teachers and students.
ReCCCess' Homepage - This site includes..Education links, chat links, education tips, html tips for new folks This site will include soon, educational content. lesson plans, classroom management tips, and social skills research.
Resources for Catholic Educators - Over 3000 links to web pages of interest to parents, teachers, catechists, pastors, coordinators involved in religious education. Topics divided into 70+ categories from angels to youth ministry. Also contains bibliographies of educational material available.
ResPool Research Network - A free online reference and Internet resource discovery service open to all researchers, students, webmasters, librarians, information specialists, experts and others. Request sites on any topic, post links.
School Resource Center - Combined Resource Center which hosts feature stories and research from educators.
School Resources - A site for teachers and students with an online teaching resource library, educational links, interactive quizzes and student advice.
The School Site - Huge resources and references for kids, teachers, families, and Internet surfers. Lesson plans, games, and information links are updated regularly. Interesting and educational and safe.
School Surfer - School Surfer provides links to educational resources for students, parents and teachers alike.
SchoolAtlas.com - Hundreds of categorized links to subject-material and professional educators' resources.
Schoolmaster - Elementary and secondary schools, universities and colleges can now have free email, chat areas and discussion forums added to their full free website
S.C.O.R.E. - Web-based classroom resources in history, math, language arts, and social studies from Schools of California including literature guides for many K-12 titles.
Searcs Web Guide to Irish Studies - Online Irish resources-choose your topic
Spartacus Guide - A collection of reviews of good educational websites under subject headings: English, Geography, History, Science and Media Studies.
Stephen Carr's Education and Fun Index - Large index of education resources: math, science, fun, and educational; woman in math, jobs that use math, jokes, Internet bumper stickers.
Students Online Educational Program Guide Online - Directory of summer and academic year schools, educational programs, and enrichment opportunities for gifted and talented children and youth. Sponsored by Students Online, a web-based service for gifted and talented students.
StudyWeb - A comprehensive Web research resource, summarizing thousands of sites useful to both educators and students of all grade levels, in an easy-to-use, organized directory.
Surfaquarium - Educational resources for teachers, students and parents provided by a veteran educator.
SYMBOLS.NET - Portal to Symbol Resources on the Web
Taylor's Topics - Educational information culled from listservs by J. Taylor
Teacher_TidBytes - Internet resources based upon classroom curriculum, kids pages, student-teacher tutorials, web-integrated lesson plans
Teaching and Learning on the Web - A large, dyanmic, searchable collection of web sites that are used for learning. Provided by Maricopa Community Colleges.
Teachnet.Com / Brainstorm of the Day - Daily tips and creative ideas for busy teachers. Website includes: lesson plans, keypal connection, Teacher-2-Teacher resources, education mailing lists, Ask Dr. Brainstorm, 'how to' projects for the classroom.
Today's Child - ...as parents and educators, where are we headed, and how do we get there? Arts, Intellectual Skills, Motor Development, Social Skills
Top 9 Web Sites: Careers and Education - These are the nine most popular Web sites about careers and education, as chosen by the Web surfers themselves.
100 Top Education Sites - Education guide and search provides weekly rankings of 100 web sites.
Topmarks Education - Educational search engine aimed at teachers, pupils and parents.
Tutorials Search Engine - Searchable database of tutorials on many subjects.
V. Chris and Thomas Tinney: A Plus Education and Learning Place - Scholarly resources for the educator and the student.
The Vincent/Curtis Educational Register - Guide to private independent boarding schools, summer study programs and camps providing information for students in primary and secondary school.
The Virtual Schoolhouse - Resources for teachers and administrators.
WannaLearn - Collection of free online tutorials, guides and instructionally oriented sites.
Web66 - Facilitating integration of the Internet into K-12 curricula.
WebTopics - France & Associates - WebTopics are readable collections of educational web site reviews, including science & kids' sites.
The Weekly EDUFAQ - E-Newsletter of Q&As submitted to the EDUFAX Ask the Expert, by students/parents/applicants/educators/teachers interested in colleges, graduate schools and private/boarding/independent schools.
Weeno - Learn stuff you don't know. We have Tips, Tutorials, and How To's on various subjects
Wilmette Public Schools: Teacher Resources - a great school-created list of links to support the curriculum in grades K-2,grades 3-5, and grades 6-8 in Math, Science, and Language Arts.
Worlds of Knowledge - Virtual library of useful Websites arranged by the numerical Dewey Decimal Classification.
Wtech Educational Gateway - Original content on over 27 areas of the world with thousands of checked links covering every area of the school curriculum.
WWW Student Resources - Links to sites of interest to students organized by subject.
Yourmojo.com - The Education Site - Great Content for Kids and Teachers. Free email, lesson plans, kidsafe search engine.
dreamcast roms - Try our section on dreamcast roms for useful information.
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